Impact 100 SRQ



How Can I Get Involved?

As a member of Impact100 SRQ, you are encouraged to Design Your Own Experience. Sharing the gift of your time, talent and experience is priceless. Members who volunteer in some capacity, have the opportunity to enrich their experience while gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of our mission in the community.

View Our Volunteer Needs

Share our Story   

Educating others about Impact100 SRQ and our mission is a year-round task, and our most effective membership recruiting tool is the enthusiasm shown by our members. 

  • Talk to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, family members, or any woman you know about Impact100 SRQ and the work we do.
  • Invite a guest to join you at a Membership Engagement/Recruitment Event (Coffee Chat, Meet & Mingle) 
  • Bring a guest to our Annual Celebration and our Big Reveal. These signature events are filled with excitement for our Mission and are the very best way to share the passion of who we are and what we do.

Spread the Word

Encourage nonprofit organizations that you know and/or support to apply for a grant. Suggest that they attend our Nonprofit Workshop and complete a grant application before the deadline.

Join a Focus Area Committee

Participating on a Focus Area Committee (FAC) is at the heart of our mission and what sets Impact100 SRQ apart from other philanthropic organizations.  This is one of the best ways to get involved.  

All members are invited to join one of our Focus Area Committees (FACs) which review and evaluate grant applications submitted to Impact100 SRQ. Every year we create one committee for each of our five focus areas: 

Arts, Culture & History


Environment, Recreation & Animal Welfare


Health & Wellness

Serving on a FAC is one of the most meaningful ways to participate in Impact100 SRQ. You will learn about the many needs in our community and about our grants review process. FACs meet during the Grants Phase (September through mid-November) and perform in-depth reviews of grant applications, conduct site visits and narrow down finalists for the entire membership vote at our Annual Celebration in January. You can choose a FAC based on your interest and passion, or by the convenience of which meeting fits with your schedule.

Read more about and Sign Up for Focus Area Committees

Become An Ambassador

The Ambassador program was created to assist new members with connecting in a meaningful way with other members, and with Impact100 SRQ. We want each new member who joins us to feel welcome, validated and empowered as we help them design their own experience, and embrace the Impact100 SRQ mission.  

As a returning member, you can volunteer to become an Ambassador and share your passion for our organization by helping to onboard women who are new to joining Impact100 SRQ.

Contact Impact100 Ambassadors for more information.